Tag Archives: Sith Acolyte

Day 229: Gen Con Day 3

Musings of a Seamstress

Day 3 brought costumes!  Finally all that hard work I have been putting into Eric’s Star Wars costume pays off.  He went as a Sith Acolyte complete with a mask he made, and I went as a bounty hunter.  I had asked some passerby to take our picture and another photographer came up and snapped a few shots of us too.  He found us again later and took a really close up face shot of Eric that I am sure is creepy as can be.

Musings of a Seamstress

Oh hey there.  Whatcha doin?  I’m just hanging out inside my giant balloon Cthulhu!

Musings of a Seamstress

This Captain America costume by far trumps mine!  I am so in love with this and am inspired to want to do a version with a different super hero/villain for next year.

Musings of a Seamstress

 Eric and I took a break and played Ticket to Ride Europe in the Games Library.  I want this version!  It is more challenging than the original and  adds in a couple of new strategy aspects.

Sith Acolyte

 Another shot of Eric looking all scary and what not.  I will do a post sometime next week on all the details of his costume.


 This is my friend Bri!  This was her fist Gen Con.  While posing for this pic the Dalek said, “You do not exterminate the Dalek.  The Dalek exterminates you.”  I do not know who is controlling the Dalek but they are doing a great job.

Musings of a Seamstress

We had lunch at Noodles and Company where they had this awesome sign up on display.  Even cooler, they are giving it away!

Musings of a Seamstress

Haha!  Love it!

Musings of a Seamstress

 Spy vs Spy!

Musings of a Seamstress

This girl had her own personal Dalek escort!  That is how you do it!


Filed under Adoption, Sewing

Day 212: Sith Study

Musings of a Seamstress


If you could not tell already, everything around here is all about Star Wars costuming.  While, I do not have any finished costume pics to share, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the inspiration Eric and I are drawing from to create out individual looks.  Today I am going to talk about Eric’ and tomorrow I will share mine.

Star Wars Where Science Meets Imagination - Santa Ana CA 2012


This is Obi-Wan’s costume from Episode 3.  This is not the picture I took, but it is from the same traveling Star Wars exhibit Eric and I went to see a few weeks ago.  Being able to see them up close was very helpful.  It was interesting to see all the detail work that went into them.  For example, the brown under tunic is actually a scarf that has parallel rows of stitching on it.  We incorporated the parallel stitching onto Eric’s under tunic.

Star Wars Where Science Meets Imagination - Santa Ana CA 2012

This is Anakin’s costume from Episode 3, also from the same traveling exhibit.  This is closer to what Eric’s costume will look like.  His has several different textures just like this one.


Star Wars Acolyte Sith Mask Costume by *MonkeyNoC on deviantARTSith Acolyte Mask

These are different versions of Sith Acolyte masks from Knights of the Old Republic.  Eric is making his own version of this and it is looking quite well so far.  The idea behind wanting the mask stems from Eric wearing glasses and not having contacts.  Since glasses are not very Star Wars appropriate, he wanted something that he could put over them.  Luckily, we found a base mask that fit over his glasses.  I will be doing a whole post on just the mask, because it is that awesome.

"Darth Revan Costume" by Robert Rodgers aka MyWickedArmor....great work by local artisan.

These are Sith Acolytes.  While we are going this route this year, it is a good thought for next year.


For the cloak we took inspiration from Darth Maul’s cloak. Eric requested that the hood be very very large like this one.  I haven’t drafted this piece yet.  I was waiting until I got all the other components finished to make sure the fit was right.  My plan is that I should be able to get it drafted and muslined before this weekend and have Saturday and Sunday to make the actual finished garment.


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Filed under Adoption, Sewing